Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Aaron!

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing home this precious little {5 lb. to be exact} bundle from the hospital. I look at him now and I can not believe how quickly he has grown. He has such a great personality and puts a smile on my face everyday. Aaron is easily the sweetest kid I know.

Speaking of putting smiles on faces...here's one for you. So I woke Aaron up this morning for school and sang him "Happy Birthday". When I was done I said "Happy Birthday mister six year old!" He looked at me and smiled while he was stretching then said "Hey! My name is Aaron not Six!" He is so literal...I love it!

Aaron requested a zucchini chocolate chip muffin for breakfast so I made him a place mat and threw a candle on top...voila you have a birthday breakfast!
*Side note disclaimer here-I made this banner late at night after a long day so yes- i spelled Birthday wrong and you better believe Aaron noticed this morning that I made a small addition to his lovely banner. Aaron told me it was OK that the h was smaller than the other letters he still likes it...and that's all that matters!

His two favorite kinds of Rice Krispy Treats. He was so excited to share BOTH kinds with his friends, although I did have to individually wrap them it was worth the effort. {This was before I did the Banner}

Here's a little flash back...

One year old

Two year old

Three year old

A winking four year old

Sweet little five year old

Our six year old. Aaron wanted to take a sideways Birthday picture. Not sure why, but still cute!

Happy Birthday Mister Six Year Old! We love you!

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