Thursday, May 26, 2011

A trip to the Fire Station

Ty's last day of Preschool, they went on a field trip to the local fire station. Of course Ty was absolutely delighted to go (again). Here's some highlights.
Ty and a few of his friends looking out the window waiting for the Pumper Truck to return from a call.

Ty inside the fire truck.  Something tells me this won't be the last time I see him in one of these.

Ty and his buddy Mason trying to hold up the gear the firefighters wear.

The firefighters taught them a lot about safety and not to be afraid of the guys in the masks...even though they sound like Darth Vader.

Best of all, they got to use the hose!

Here's the whole happy crew. 
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This year the class was all boys and his teacher was a wonderful with them. It was a really fun day and a great way to end his first year of school.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Helping out

I just have to take a moment and say how happy this picture makes me.  First of all I love having a hubby that is willing to take on any task around here and do it well.  He is such a self taught Mr. Fix it and a great Daddy for having the patience to let the boys "help".  
Secondly I am so proud to see that Ty seems to have inherited that gene as well.  He actually went out front this weekend to yell at Daddy because he started washing the car with out him.  What kid does that? He LOVES helping!  So ya, just seeing this picture makes me smile...
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Monday, May 16, 2011


Another aaawww moment. Nothing makes me happier than two happy boys getting along and having fun during playtime. They have fantastic imaginations and I just love hearing what they come up with. I just love these kids...

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Open House

We went to Aaron's first grade open house last week.  It was so cute to see how excited he was to show us around the classroom.  We loved seeing all of his projects and artwork.  He has grown up so much this year.  He is much more independent, making new friends, and doing so well.  He has also developed a few "sassy" habits as well...

The other day I was explaining something to him and he actually said "Duh Mom.  I already know that." 
I guess that's part of growing up right?  

Here's a few highlights from our evening.

Outside his classroom door.

Showing us his "100 year old" project.  In case you were wondering he will be running a haunted mansion when he is 100 years old because he will look a little spooky.

The boys at Aaron's desk

The boys with Mommy at Aaron's desk.  Oh, Aaron is pretending to be Egyptian.

Here is Aaron reading us his animal report.  He is reading so well now and gaining more confidence everyday.  So cute! 

Don't forget to scroll down and pause the music so you can hear it...
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Ty's surgery

Poor little Ty had to have tubes put in both ears, and his tonsils and adenoids removed this morning.  He has been plagued with frequent ear infections and sore throats, not to mention, his tonsils and adenoids were HUGE!  

I went back and forth on what to tell him and how to tell him about the upcoming surgery.   So I opted for the sugar coated truth.  I told him the at the doctor was going to help him so he did not have to have so many ear infections and help his throat so it would not "get weird", as he calls it, all the time.  In order to do this he would have a sore throat when the doctor was done but he could have all the ice cream, jello, and Popsicles he wanted after his surgery.  I also told him that Mommy and Daddy would get him a special present to help him get well faster.  

So he has gone around and told every body that would listen what was going to happen.  He woke up this morning {early} and said he was ready to go to the doctor so he could have his present and Popsicles. 

As for me, I had the whole guilty Mom thing going on even though I knew it was for his own good.  I teared up a few times, but I know I will make it up to him in the next few days...Popsicle for dinner?  Sure, why not?

As you can see, he was pretty happy in the waiting room...

The surgery went really well.  It is done as outpatient now and we were in and out in about 4 hours.  When he woke up, he did a big loud gulp and started crying inconsolably.  This of course brought tears to my eyes too.  the nurse upped his meds and he was out like a light again, but comfortable.

He looks like such an Angel here...

On the way home he was out again...look at those big pouty lips!

He did the whole dry heave thing once on the way home and that was enough for him to hold on to the plastic peanut bucket for dear life...even while opening his present.
Here he is on about Popsicle number three...but who's counting?
I have to say that through it all, he was such a brave little guy.  He has such a hard shell and puts on such a tough guy act, but those who know him best know he is sensitive and sweet in the center. 
We love him so much, and we are so very proud of him.