Saturday, April 30, 2011

Aaron Lost his first tooth!

All I can say is FINALLY!  This tooth has been hanging by a thread for quite some time now.  He lost it at school and he was SO excited.  He was jumping up and down and saying how excited he was about the tooth fairy coming to his house.  I was lucky that it was my day to volunteer in the classroom the day he lost it because I did not have my camera!  I'm so glad I got to share the excitement with him.
It was really hard to get a real smile AND show the gap in his teeth.  The best I could do, but still cute!

The next morning, was almost as exciting as Christmas morning.  The Tooth Fairy left him a note and 5 bucks for his first tooth.  Luckily Aaron quickly explained that all the other teeth are only worth 1 dollar or the Tooth Fairy might go broke!

A happy day for my big boy...
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Easter Continued

We went to my In-Laws this year for Easter dinner and that crazy Easter Bunny was there too!  The boys scored pretty good this year on the candy front. 

They got to do this hunt with their cousin Hayden.  It was so cute to see them help her out and even give her all the pink eggs.  Ty even helped her go for a little ride on his beloved motorcycle.

Like a big cousin, he had to show her how all the buttons and controls worked.

The Grosser boys with their Mom and Grandma.  Not sure what's going on with Dustin here, but hey, I post what I've got!

Our little Fam
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We hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday...we sure did!

Easter Morning

The anticipation was almost too much for the kids this year. They woke up like little wild animals ready to go on a hunt...

First on the agenda was to find where that crazy easter bunny put their baskets. He wrote them a note with a clue and they went tearing through the house in search of the goods.

Ginger found the baskets unattended and decided to treat herself to a couple jelly beans for breakfast...Good thing he didn't leave chocolate!

On to the hunt!  Now that the boys are older, the Easter bunny was able to get a bit more creative on the hiding spots.  They had SO much fun!

Two happy wee ones=A happy mom and Dad

I have learned to pick my battles.  If my four year old wants to have a trough of jelly beans attached to his neck for breakfast on Easter, I'm not standing in his way.  
Don't judge, I swear I push the healthy stuff the rest of the year.  Well, except for maybe Christmas.

Once again, bubbles were a huge hit on Easter Morning.  
I swear, they are like magic.
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What a great morning!

"Dyeing eggs"

So we have a new tradition in this house.  I know everyone loves to dye eggs, especially Moms, but this year we tried something new.  We had the kids fill the eggs instead.  The boys (including Jeremy) don't like hard boiled eggs and I can only eat a few, so for us this new tradition worked perfectly!  I had trouble getting any pictures of the boys without candy in their mouths, but hey, it was a lot of fun.  The best part of it for me was no clean up! 

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Reduce reuse and recycle

These boys don't lack for anything.  As a matter of fact they have an entire room dedicated to toys.  What do they choose to play with though?  Water bottles.  Did you know they can be turned into an afternoon {or at least 30 minutes} of laughter and fun?  Me either, I usually just drink them.

A balancing act.

Sword fighting.

Magnifying glasses.
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They also love cardboard boxes, pillows and blankets. Put 'em together and you have a fort. I just love their ingenuity.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Embrace the Camera: April 7th 2011

This week is all bout the boys.  I just love how much they love their Daddy and I can't help but snap up pictures whenever I can.  
In case you were wondering...although we all know how cool Jeremy is, he doesn't usually wear sunglasses in the house.  He had Lasik and had to wear them. 
Oh, and you better believe Jeremy broke his glasses as soon as he could.  What better method to do that than a 4 year old?
Link up with fellow embracers here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So, as most parents know, when you have kids, you can kiss your nice quiet dinner time goodbye.  When your kids are newborns, I swear the second you sit down to eat, they wail.
When they are toddlers, they want to snack on the move all day long.  They can't sit still for more than 2.2 seconds. 
Then they hit about 3 and suddenly all of their favorite foods are the most foul and disgusting things ever. 
Then they turn 4 and that pickiness continues, but it's sooo random.  What was gobbled up one night is highly offensive the next.

Ya, dinnertime is a struggle.  I lovingly call it the witching hour.  It is usually between 5-6pm, just before Jeremy gets home and I am trying to get some semblance of nutrition on the table while at the same time, the kids are whining, fighting, and begging for a snack.  The phone is ringing, the dog is barking...yadda yadda yadda...witching hour.

We have taken a hard line on dinner rules and here's our unbreakable rules...
  • You have to try one bite of on everything on your plate.
  • If you don't eat up your dinner, you don't get dessert.
  • No snacks before dinner.
  • What's for dinner is what's for dinner.  I am not a short order cook.
So here's a little example of how our evenings have been going lately...
---"Mommy, can I have a snack?"---"No, dinner is almost ready."---
---"But I'm starving!" ---"Good, dinner is almost ready."--- 
{repeat about 20 times}

Dinner is served.  The face says it all.
The complaining and getting up from the table and whining continues until we are done eating.  We start to clear the table, look over and voila!  Suddenly he is gobbling every last bite and says he loves it!  Go figure.
I ask him why he won't just eat when we are eating and he says sometimes he like to eat by himself.  That's great dear.  Thanks for making dinner time such an enjoyable experience.
Gotta love these little munchkins, without them our dinners would be so boring. 
hhhmmm...imagine that...