Thursday, February 24, 2011

Embrace the Camera: Febrary 24th 2011

Ty and Aaron both love Daddy's "scratchy face".  They giggle and squirm then come back for more complete with bright red cheeks and ears. 
Crazy kids.

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Me on the other hand, well, I prefer the smooth face...scratchy face hurts!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mr. Independent

I woke up to the sound of Aaron yelling for me to come into his room quickly...Luckily no one was hurt.
He simply wanted to show me something. He had made his own bed. It must have taken him some time too! When I told him how proud I was of him, he asked me if that made my life a little better. I told him just seeing his sweet smile made everyone's life better. 
So I am sharing his sweet smile with you.
Does that make your Monday a little better?

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day!

I just have to give a quick little shout out to my sweet hubby. I just love him so much and I can not imagine life with out him. He is a truly my best friend, the best Dad to our boys I could ever ask for and he makes me so very happy. Happy Valentines Day Baby!!!

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Say cheese!

  Ty has a new passion for photography.  Sometimes when I go to upload pictures off my camera, I get a surprise.  He especially loves self portraits and our dog.  {Ginger does not share his passion.}  Here is a little SMALL sample of what I found on the camera today.  He also included quite a few pictures of the couch for some reason...
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Embrace the Camera: February 10th, 2011

 In our house Jeremy and I have an agreement.  He gets to sleep in Saturday and I get to sleep in Sunday.  It works out great for us and the boys look forward to some individual playtime every weekend morning.
So last Saturday, I had to be up and out of the house kinda early so the boys set up camp with Jeremy.  They came up with the idea to turn our bed into a library so Daddy could still get some rest and they would not be bored.  I don't think he got much rest after that, but it was really cute!

Good Morning Honey!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When life gives you lemons...

Eat 'em!!!
Some kids were selling lemons from their tree on the side of the road the other day.  We bought a few and as soon as we got home, we cracked them open.  The boys ate them up like they were candy.  
Aaron even asked if I would put one in his lunch the next day! Ha!
A new favorite!

Look at those blues...
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best Buddies

I just have to say that I love watching the little relationship that has been forming between the boys.  It really makes me proud to see how they are with each other lately.  Don't get me wrong, they are not perfect little angels.  They still fight like all brothers do, but I don't really need to blog about that now do I?  Today is all about the good stuff.  So I decided to share a few pics from the pre-blog days and a few sweet stories.  I worry that someday when my dementia kicks in I will forget all of this...and I don't want to.  So I blog...

When Ty was born, Aaron was always kissing him and sharing his blankets with him.  I just thought this was so sweet.  He has always loved babies.  Now that Ty is older, he goes and gets Aaron's blankets for him.  He walks him into dark rooms holding his hand because Aaron is afraid of the dark.  Also, the other day, Aaron's Zipper on his PJ's was stuck,,,there was Ty helping him fix it.  I love catching moments like these...

Notice a couple things here.  First of all, they are holding cute!  Second, I love the way that Ty is staring at his brother.  Nothing gets past this kid.  He has always looked up to him.  Now I think Ty thinks he is actually the older brother.  Luckily, Aaron is so passive and go with the flow, he is more than happy allowing Ty to take the lead.

I just thought this was so sweet...

Here they are now.  They look forward to after school when they can play together.  They still hold hands when crossing the street.  They pick out things for each other at the store.  They help each other find missing toys. They gang up on Daddy for "smack down".  But most of all, their actions show that they love each other.  They really are Best Buddies.
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Friday, February 4, 2011

Another installment

It is between 40-50 degrees round here and my child loves to dress himself...

The shoes really look great with that don't they?

When I told him it's too cold to wear that he said, "It's OK, I'll just wear this jacket."  Oh, ya honey that jacket looks even better.  Not to mention it is from 3 years ago and a bit small...
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Gotta' pick my battles though right?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Embrace the Camera: February 3rd 2011

My little helper.  
Whether it's the windows, dusting or floors, Ty is my right hand man.
He LOVES helping me clean.
Here we are cleaning the always dirty, even 5 seconds after you clean it, sliding glass door.
Oh, and as you can see, Ginger is never far behind either.

I know someday when I ask him to clean the windows I will inevitably get an eye roll or a nice whiny wwwhyyyyaa???

For now, he's happy to help and I am happy to let him.
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Link up with other embracers here.  It's a lot of fun to see how many people are embracing these days.  You should try it!  All the cool kids are doing it.  No pressure though.  :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Head lamps, smiles and Ice cream cones! Oh my!

Jeremy's brother {Uncle Travis} bought the boys these headlamps for Christmas and they LOVE them! I think they look hilarious, but they go through the house wearing them on a regular basis. Here they are eating ice cream cones with the headlamps on. They crack me up!

Ty likes to put it on his nose to pretend he is Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

Never get between this boy and his ice cream cone...

A happy kiddo
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rooms with many different views

At any given moment in my house you can find a little view of what my boys are thinking.  It makes me smile when I find little scenes like these through out the house.  They have wonderful imaginations and they LOVE their Playmobil.  You can definitely tell who set up what and get a glimpse of what is going on in their little brains. 

The only down side is Playmobil people meeting bare feet in the middle of the night.  Ouch!

Aaron's scenes usually revolve around love, family and haunted houses.

Ty's scenes usually involve weapons, warriors and law enforcement.

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