Friday, March 30, 2012

Practice makes perfect

Ty decided his sport of choice is Tee Ball.  Make no mistake though, its not baseball. He plays Tee ball and ONLY Tee ball.  NOT baseball.  

In preparation for the season, he has practiced quite a bit and in my totally unbiased opinion, he is really quite good.
Every time he throws, catches, runs, swings, or exerts energy in general, he makes this little whistle noise.  Its hilarious!

Fast forward a few years...He's going to have that stare down!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The boy loves his wheels

Contrary to Aaron in the previous post, Ty is riding everything and anything with wheels these days...EXCEPT for his "big boy bike." 
 He does look super cool doing it, but how cool is he going to feel in 8th grade on his BMX with custom made training wheels?


Eh, maybe he'll pull it off...he is pretty dang cool.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Look Mom!

Life is full of those mile stones. My job as "Mommy" is to document them. 
So here's another one...No training wheels!
Aaron, looking all proud and like he might actually like ridding his bike!

Tyler was a bit more cautious.

I know it may look like we are making progress in this area, but don't be fooled. 
 As of right now, the training wheels are back on Tyler's bike and he has reverted back to his trike. Aaron, well, he now refuses to ride on anything with wheels because he is afraid that if he likes it too much he will not like climbing the tree. 
That darn tree.
Heaven help me, I think these boys inherited my determination.
We've got our work cut out for us. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Darn Tree

Our wonderful next door neighbors have this tree that is awesome for climbing. I must admit that when the boys first discovered it, I was fully against climbing trees.
 I could picture nothing good coming out of it. 
Mind you, as a Mom you always picture the "what ifs". 
 Let me just say my mind can picture every scenario of disaster when it comes to boys climbing trees.
It's not pretty.

With much deliberation, begging and pleading, I have come to terms with this tree that our boys are crazy about. 
The boys (especially Aaron) take full advantage of this. 
 In fact, he has admitted that it is always a sad day when he doesn't get to climb the tree. 
 I have also found the good in the tree. 
Just look at these boys smiling faces.

Moral of the story, I actually learned something from that tree.
Sometimes as a parent, I have to let my kiddos do things that I may not be 100% comfortable with.
As hard as it is to watch, they have to learn some things on their own.
I will always try and protect them as best I can.
I am saying that sometimes I have to let them climb a tree.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stop the madness!

When hubs gets a hold of the camera, he puts it on burst and goes to town!  One little drive in the jeep down the driveway and we have 50 photos to show for it.  
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about pictures, but geez.  I guess we can call him the "Papa"razzi.
Looks like Ty's had enough.  All smiles at first, them it's talk to the hand time.  Ha!
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