Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. You can ever really understand it until you become a mother yourself. Other mom's will try to explain or give advice (usually when you're nine months pregnant) but until you are officially in the club you will not quite get it. Oh, and once you are in the club, you are in it for life. It doesn't stop when your kids move out of the house or even when your kids have kids. It's for life and it's wonderful.

Top Ten things Your Mom never told you...

10. You will never go to bed again without a thousand things going through your mind to do tomorrow
. Oh, and good luck sleeping through the night ever again...Sleepless nights don't stop after the "newborn stage".

9. You will get puked, pooped and peed on...a lot.

8. On that subject
, you will worry about the color, frequency and consistency of your kids poop. You also will develop the stomach to talk about it during dinner without gagging.

7. The question "Who won that one?" will haunt your thoughts multiple times a day.

6. You will have to become a master mind at manipulation just to get your kids to try their dinner.

5. You will get advice about motherhood from every Joe and Jane on the street and stories about how well behaved their kids always are. "My sally NEVER did that!" Yeah right...

4. People will judge you for everything you do no matter what...especially other Mom's. (What's up with that?)

3. You will feel a crazy animal awaken inside you and her name is "Mother Bear". Make peace with her early on, she is with you in this club for life.

2. Kiss your memory goodbye...

1. As a Mother, you will feel more joy and love than can be expressed on this page...It's overwhelming and wonderful. Your kids will capture your heart again and again with all the little things they do. I didn't ever really know how much my Mom loved me until I had my two boys.

I have to hand it to all the Mom's out there. You are amazing and this is your day to live it up and hopefully take a break. Enjoy your day...I know I will!


With mother's day being tomorrow, I thought I would post a little something for all the Mom's out there. There are quite a few pictures, but stick with me, the last one will just melt your heart...

In Africa...

In the Arctic...

In Africa...

In the Ocean...

In Africa...

In India...

On the Riverbank...

Somewhere near Walmart...

So sweet isn't it?


Aaron with his "Auntie Auntie" and "Auntie Beckie"...thought this was cute.

Rainbow colored glasses

If only we could all see the world through "rainbow colored glasses"...
Aaron woke up with nothing on his mind other than making some rainbow colored glasses. He said, "They make everything that is pretty even prettier". Once he put them on he did not want to take them off. I wouldn't want to take them off either...
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Pretty Pom Poms

One of my favorite things about spring time is this beautiful plant we have in the backyard. I think it's some sort of Pom Pom?? Anyway, my Hubby cut some of the gorgeous flowers and put them in a vase for me last weekend. Ty of course had to make one too..

Army Soldier Ty

I was doing dishes the other day and out comes "Army soldier Ty". I have no idea how he came up with this, but he has 3 Nerf dart guns in his pants and he even put on dog tags! He is flexing his muscles and he has on his "cool army guy" face. I wish I would have video taped it because he was talking in a deep voice too. I love this kid...
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uh oh...a quiet house

Another posting that starts out with a quiet house...
What can I say? Ty is very resourceful when it comes to entertaining himself.

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