Monday, December 28, 2009

"Holy Moly It's Snow!"

The boys had their first glimpse of snow today and to say they were excited is an understatement. Ty kept saying "Holy Moly it's snow!" As soon as Aaron saw the slight dusting on the side of the road, he wanted to pull over and make a snow man.

Ty catching snow flakes on his tongue.

Aaron eating his snowball. We had to teach him not eat the yellow snow...then of course, he had to make a little of his own. =)

We did some sledding (on an air mattress), built a really sad attempt at a snow man (they are a lot harder to make than they look!), made snow angels and all the usual fun stuff.

I think we made it about 2 hours before the boys were freezing and "done with the snow". It was sure fun while it lasted though!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Our Holiday season was a great one this year. The kids are at such a fun age and they really appreciate all of the small things that make holidays special...gingerbread houses, Xmas cookies, decorations, lights and especially all of the "blow ups" on the front lawns. This year, we really tried to concentrate on spending time with our family and getting back to basics. It turned out really nice.
Ice skating bucket style.

Pudgy Bear Face
Breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Claus
Another Christmas come and, how time flies! Have a great New Year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Look at me Mom, I'm like Papa!"

Ty is officially all "inked" up. He wanted to be like Papa Carl (Jeremy's Dad) so bad, he did his own tattoo. He said he drew a sun and wrote his name. He was so proud of himself too! That's what I get for not listening to the silence in the house... =)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh, the excitement!

Ok, so we decided to begin all of the holiday preparations a little early this year. Obviously the kids were thrilled...especially Aaron. We (I say we but I mean Jeremy) got the tree and assorted decor down from the attic and voila... Aaron was out of this world excited. The boy LOVES Christmas!

To be fair, Ty was happy too. He must of said "Is Santa coming down the chimney yet?" at least 20 times. I say "No, not yet...not until Christmas honey." He says"Why?". I say "Because it's not Christmas yet." He says "Why?". This went on and on and on. We may have to fake Christmas early this year to preserve our sanity!

On a serious note for a minute here, I have to say kids sure do bring the joy into the Holiday season. I had a smile on my face all day watching those two in their Santa hats...oh and Jeremy in his hat too! =)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween. We came home with enough candy to put back in the bowl and redistribute! I think the boys have perfected the art of begging...especially Firefighter Ty. =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Open your eyes...

So I told Ty to open his eyes for the picture and here is what I got...

Shake your goove thang...

We went to my cousins wedding last weekend and let me just say, Aaron is quite the ladies man! I know it's a little dark, but the boy is completely surrounded by girls and he stayed that way pretty much all night. He kept asking different girls to dance and of course they said yes. He's got the moves for sure! Here's a little sample...Enjoy!

Super Mega Marble Track

This is precisely why Daddy's are supposed to build anything with more than ten pieces. Talk about a fun Sunday morning for the boys!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aaron's 5th Birthday

Aaron had a hugely successful Birthday Party at the end of August. (Ok, so I'm a wee bit behind on my blogging. Better late than never right?) We had it at Grammy and Papa's house with a pinata, swimming and BBQ. It was great! He wanted a castle cake with people looking out the windows. So crazy Mommy decided he should have it and I'm glad he enjoyed it because WOW that was quite the endeavor. He started eating it before we could even cut it! Happy Birthday my Sweet Boy!

The Pumpkin Farm

Happy October! With this lovely fall weather comes our favorite fall trip to the Pumpkin Farm. We went this weekend and had a great time. Big Pony Rides, Bumpy Slides, Pig Races, Picnics, Trains and so much could you not have fun? The boys had fum with Grandma, Grandpa and "Cuzin Maddi". They especially loved seeing Grandpa as the Flagger (I have no idea if that's the correct term for that job or not, but it sounds good to me.) at the end of the Pig Races.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

All grown up


It's official! Aaron has started Kindergarten. He looked absolutely adorable (of course) and he totally rocked 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. I think he is a genius! =) When We left, He just waved goodbye and went back to his book. I of course got in the car and began the waterworks. (like any rational Mother would do).

When I picked him up his teacher told me he did great, but I wanted some detail. So I asked him all about it and his answer to almost everything was, "I don't remember." He is just like his Daddy. I so wanted to to be a little fly on the wall. I guess I should get used to it. I remember when I was asked how school was and I always said "Fine".

I came to the realization tonight that I have been building up this first day for so long that I failed to remember we have at least fifteen more years of this! We have to go back... everyday! Hopefully he will learn to spill the gossip a little in that time, or I might have to become the room mommy through out High School. "Anyone for juice boxes?"

I still can't believe my little baby is in school. I guess I better get used to that too!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dillan's Beach

It was our last weekend of the summer, so we took the kids to Dillan's Beach. It was a gorgeous drive and we beat the heat. Aaron loved being buried in the sand. Ty loved rolling down the ramp of sand. Jeremy and I got some relaxation. We had a great day...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rockin' Out!

I couldn't pass this one up...Ty almost never joins in to the musical festivities! The boys got their groove on to Taylor Swift "You belong with me". I filmed this with a smile on my face the whole time. I totally wanted to sing and dance with them, lucky for you I barely restrained myself. =) It's hilarious and adorable all at once. Enjoy!!!
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Sunday, July 5, 2009


"I'm a workerman cuz I got headphones on for the loud fireworks."

"SSSHHH! Quiet the fireworks are coming..."
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4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!!

"The Gang"

Jeremy and Aaron watching the show.

We had a BBQ with friends and neighbors and had a great time. Simple times like this make me grateful for the country we live in.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hayden Jessica Grosser

It's official, Hayden Jessica has arrived! It has been 4 generations of Grosser boys and Dustin and Kasey (Jeremy's brother) have broken the "tradition". Poor Kasey had a rough time but the reward was worth all of her effort. Hayden is 7 lbs. 9 oz. and a little doll! Congratulations Dustin and Kasey!
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Friday, June 19, 2009

The Climb

I simply couldn't pass up a golden opportunity this morning. Aaron is obsessed with singing "The Climb" by Mylie Cyrus. I have been obsessed with getting a recording of him singing it. Yadda yadda yadda it finally worked out this morning! Ty plays his own music in the background for the first few minutes and then it is a little easier to hear. With out further ado...Here's Aaron singing "The Climb". Enjoy!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Baby is Three

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY! I can't believe Ty is three now. (Apparently neither can he because if you ask him he can't decided whether he if two or three. ) We had a fabulous B-Day party (Thanks to my In-Laws amusement park) last weekend. We had a Fire Truck cake made by this great baker I know. =) Uncle Travis made a really great Firefighter face photo thinga-ma-gigger. ( I have no idea what else to call it, but you get the idea. Anyway, it was a fabulous time.
I know everyone says "Time Flies" but seriously it seems like just yesterday Ty was my baby! Ahhh...I still remember the newborn smells, the snuggles, the tiny toes, the diapers, the waking up all night long...oh, wait! Maybe I don't miss the baby stage quite as much as I thought!
When I think about it, I Guess things are getting easy peasy now. "Boys, go get in the car.", "Boys, get your shoes on.", etc. you get the idea. It's quite nice!