Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween. We came home with enough candy to put back in the bowl and redistribute! I think the boys have perfected the art of begging...especially Firefighter Ty. =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Open your eyes...

So I told Ty to open his eyes for the picture and here is what I got...

Shake your goove thang...

We went to my cousins wedding last weekend and let me just say, Aaron is quite the ladies man! I know it's a little dark, but the boy is completely surrounded by girls and he stayed that way pretty much all night. He kept asking different girls to dance and of course they said yes. He's got the moves for sure! Here's a little sample...Enjoy!

Super Mega Marble Track

This is precisely why Daddy's are supposed to build anything with more than ten pieces. Talk about a fun Sunday morning for the boys!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aaron's 5th Birthday

Aaron had a hugely successful Birthday Party at the end of August. (Ok, so I'm a wee bit behind on my blogging. Better late than never right?) We had it at Grammy and Papa's house with a pinata, swimming and BBQ. It was great! He wanted a castle cake with people looking out the windows. So crazy Mommy decided he should have it and I'm glad he enjoyed it because WOW that was quite the endeavor. He started eating it before we could even cut it! Happy Birthday my Sweet Boy!

The Pumpkin Farm

Happy October! With this lovely fall weather comes our favorite fall trip to the Pumpkin Farm. We went this weekend and had a great time. Big Pony Rides, Bumpy Slides, Pig Races, Picnics, Trains and so much could you not have fun? The boys had fum with Grandma, Grandpa and "Cuzin Maddi". They especially loved seeing Grandpa as the Flagger (I have no idea if that's the correct term for that job or not, but it sounds good to me.) at the end of the Pig Races.